My Professional Literature is Heading to the USA

The time has come – I am incredibly excited to announce that my professional literature on K-9 training and explosive detection is making its way to the USA! As an author and expert in this field, it has always been my goal to share my experience and knowledge with an international audience. Now, I’m taking the next big step by bringing my books to the United States, offering valuable insights to dog handlers, security personnel, and those interested in detection technology and protection dog training.

Why This Literature?

In my books, I don’t just cover the basics of protection and scent-detection dog training, but also dive deep into advanced techniques and specialized operations. From foundational training to professional applications, my works cover the entire spectrum.

What Can You Expect in the USA?

My books K9-Training and Nose for Danger are the core of this expansion. They are aimed at both professional dog handlers and beginners interested in working elite dog training. These books are hands-on, combining tried-and-tested methods with innovative approaches. Especially in the field of explosive detection, I emphasize precision and motivation, which is reflected in every chapter of my books. I am excited to share this expertise with a new audience and provide dog handlers and security professionals in the USA with valuable knowledge. Stay tuned – more information about the availability of my professional literature in the USA will be available soon on my website.
About the Author Karl-Heinz Klöpper

Inhaber eines Befähigungsscheines nach § 20 des Sprengstoffgesetzes

Ausgebildeter Diensthundführer der Polizei a.D.
Experte für den Aufbau von Junghunden im Schutzdienst
1. Vorsitzender der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Odorologie e.V. –
Mitglied in Nederlandse Bond voor de Diensthond
über 40 Jahre Erfahrung mit Diensthunden
Autor von Artikeln in den Magazinen:

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